Coming Up through the Ranks
Tim Mabey has raced pretty much everything he can at his home track – now he’s ready to travel more widely. Story Paul Huggett
Mark’s Time
The name of Eaton has been associated with southern Stock Car racing in general, and Spedeworth International in particular for over forty years. Not just a name on the promotion’s office door, Mark Eaton has written his into the record books and on to one of the sport’s oldest established annual trophies. We talk to the 2001 Superstox World Champion about his racing, Spedeworth’s future, and stuff in general.
Interview and photos by Paul Huggett
Group A and Stock Rods Championship and Review
by Paul Huggett
A little while back, a readers’ survey conducted via the ‘Short Circuit’ website suggested that a lot of racers and fans thought that if the National Stock Rods were more like the Group A Cars that run at Arena-Essex, it would improve racing and car counts. Can’t say for sure, but it is certain that a one-track division that can muster a record 52 cars at a mid-season show and have almost the same numbers in September when the annual Supreme Championship race – a gruelling forty laps on the fast, flat, tarmac oval – is run, in weather on the iffy side, must be providing something that the competitors at a certain level want. On the other hand, the slightly more simple rules and available races all over the country make Stock Rods a more attractive option for the ‘budget’ racer who wants to put him (or her) self about a bit. Both have a lot going for them and we thought it time to review the small engine Hot Rod scene, together with a brief look at what else is on offer.
World Fever:
We report on the World Championships for BriSCA F1 Stock Cars, BriSCA F2 Stock Cars, Saloon Stock Cars, Superstox and Stock Rods.
Brotherly Love Flies Out of the Window!
By Anne Sayell
It is never easy following in the footsteps of a successful family member, Martyn Brooker is the older brother of Superstox star Shaun Brooker and he had a lot to live up to when he joined the Superstox formula.