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Previews of what could be at the NEC and Brentwood Racing Car Shows
Four Guys Named Harris
Right back in Stock Car racing’s early days, West London and the outer fringes were a hotbed of racer activity – all the London tracks bar one may be long gone, but the Harris brothers and their racing sons carry on the good work. Story Paul Huggett
Hot Rod Re-build
“It will only take 6 months” I remember saying when I purchased, a National Hot Rod Fiesta. 22 months later, we’re still changing settings to get a quicker lap time in. We need to do more testing. Fast in a straight line is no match for a car that corners like it’s on rails.
It all started in December 1999 after reading an advert on the Short Circuit website for a National Hot Rod rolling shell in Mk3 Fiesta clothing. A few phone calls later Jimmy (race engineer) and I took a trip up to a remote village near Manchester to view the car.
Up on the Downs
Paul Huggett revisits old haunts and finds local club racing alive and reasonably well – ‘Invicta Kent AC’. The former HRE Autograss club has a new title, with its home cars now sporting the IK number prefix in line with NASA Autograss policy, the 25 year old plus club has turned ailing fortunes around enough to have a viable future, defying dropping car counts, Foot and Mouth disease and a lack of a major source of track dampening water on site.
Season Reviews
We review the 2001 season for BriSCA F1 Stock Cars, and the Grand Prix Midgets.
John Hyam – More gossip about the ovals
Paul Huggett – Rolling Thunder press day and Best in Britain thoughts.
Pete Tucker – Harringay Stadium