Small Car Special 2
Easy to work on, easy to transport, and not too hard to pay for either, that’s what the two divisions in this month’s Second installment of our ‘Small Car Racing Special’ are all about – if you don’t mind a bit of real UK-style contact racing that is!
Part 4 – Rebel Yell!
There’s no doubt that the Rebel racers, which first hit the UK tracks in 1995, are one of the best organised racing groups in the country.
Part 5 – Smart Karts
In 2003, yet another ‘entry level’ formula was devised and considering the huge growth in ‘arrive and drive’ style Karting, both indoor and outdoor, in the last ten years, it wasn’t unexpected that someone more inclined towards traditional short oval contact racing would come up with something that looked like an open-wheel Stock Car, but in miniature, based on a Kart chassis.
Part 6 – GT Sports
Oh no, not another new formula!” and because they kind of fit in with the ‘small car’ classes we’ve looked at in the last two issues, we present the Image GT Sports car.
From being a race fan on the safe side of the fence to winning track championships in just two years – racing life’s been good so far for this year’s top man in the Incarods division. Story Paul Huggett.