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2010 Short Circuit Magazine April


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New, Mean, and Green – Plus Flying Machines!
The cheery gent behind the desk at RAF Brize Norton reception points his little camera at me, and seconds later a Temporary Persons Access Pass is handed to me, along with one for the old Mondeo. “There you go,” he says “Keep it with you at all times, or you may get thrown off the airfield, arrested, or beaten with a wet kipper.” Paul Huggett visits V8 Stock Car racer Daryl Harris at work.

Running in the Family
We decided it was time to look at a few well-known racing teams with multiple family members on board, and what was first intended as a one-off will now form a short series. Off we go then… 46 year old Graham Boyd, from Caxton in Cambridgeshire has not only been racing himself for a lot of years, but has brought on both a son – Craig – and a daughter – Kara – who have made big impressions on the Spedeworth tracks in the last couple of years, and there’s another one to come to a track near you soon.

Arena Essex Expo
The annual Oval Racing Expo Show, held at Arena Essex over the weekend of 23/24th January was again a great success. As is usually the case, the show brought together the worlds of NASA, SEGTO, The Rolling Thunder Show and the usual ORCi formulas, all of whom got plenty of track time over the course of the weekend.

Grassers 2010
The Autograss cars from the NEC and Arena Essex Expo 2010

News from our NASCAR experts Martin D Clark and Mike Greenwood

Columns from the sports leading writers and personalities which usually include: Paul Huggett, Richard John Neil, and Jim Turner.
Other regular items include:
National Hot Rod Race Action Update, BriSCA F1 Race Action update, Short Track America, Scenes from the Past, Small Ads, The Hottest Racers But No Ice, Race Lines, plus lots of news…

Additional information

Weight 150 g
Dimensions 210 × 297 mm