The March 2000 issue has all the main news and images from the Short Circuit and Rallycross show, plus the Brentwood International Racing Car Show.
Jim Turner interviews Malcolm and Keith Chesher about their return to National Hot Rods, their involvement in 2 litre Hot Rods, their new sponsorship agreements, and their hopes for the future.
The much awaited Part 2 of or Winter Race Car Rebuild program is featured, along with the results of the 1999 survey about Short Circuit magazine and the sport in general. We were so overwhelmed with the response it has taken until now to analyse the results properly.
Read about the South African Tour for the Spedeworth Hot Rods, plus news of Frankie Wainman Juniors’ win in the 240ci World Championship in New Zealand.
There is also a Grand Prix Midgets review – they had a pretty good season in 1999. Anne Sayell tells all. Whilst on Midgets, we look back at The Dastle Midgets.
Masses of promotional news lets us all know what most of the venues have in stall for us in 2000, along with plenty of out of season meeting reports and news.
Matthew Bull lets the new season in with a humorous look at the possible news stories for 2000, and from our man in the USA, we review the 1999 and preview the 2000 NASCAR season.