The Cranes – Number three in a short series – Running in the Family
For our third, and final (for now) look at families in racing who have passed on the love of the sport from generation to generation, we head south to Hampshire, where we find a thriving racing team that not only has a ‘Dad and Lads’ policy, but helps keep some other young racers in the game.
Where There’s a Will There’s a Way
When Westworld closed last year Brian Holmes and grandson Paul Quick were not sure where they would race but were sure they’d have to race somewhere because not racing just wasn’t in the plan.
Obituary – John Griffiths
The sudden passing of Birches’ man John Griffiths has brought shock and sorrow to the whole community. The twenty eight year old was a very popular Stock Saloon driver at Nutts Corner and Ballymena Raceways.
News from our NASCAR experts Martin D Clark and Mike Greenwood including reports from Round 7 – Phoenix, Round 8 – Texas, Round 9 – Talladega, Round 10 – Richmond.
Columns from the sports leading writers and personalities which usually include: Paul Huggett, Richard John Neil, and Jim Turner.
Other regular items include:
National Hot Rod Race Action Update, BriSCA F1 Race Action update, Short Track America, Scenes from the Past, Small Ads, The Hottest Racers But No Ice, Race Lines, plus lots of news…