Nice One Malcolm!
The combination of Malcolm Blackman’s undoubted driving skills and his stunning new Peugeot 206 proved to be too good for all his rivals at the Ipswich Spedeweekend on July 3rd/4th and he blasted to victory in the Kent Cams/Hoosier Tyres National Hot Rod World Championship by almost three quarters of a lap and lapped most of the field in the process.
2004 Spedeweekend
The annual extravaganza of Oval Racing took place over the 3rd and 4th of July with over forty races and very nearly four hundred cars out on Foxhall Heath. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t kind at all as it was very windy and cool with a lot of showers. Those arriving at the Suffolk Showground and other local campsites on Friday found tents and gazebos were fighting a losing battle against the wind and at least three thunderstorms. Read the full story in the August issue
Track Test – BriSCA F1 Stock Cars – Old And New
With all the celebrations going on this year for the Stock Cars 50th celebrations, Malcolm has taken it upon himself to look into and find out more about the ‘Biggest and Noisiest’ class – Formula 1 stock cars, and tests John Plant and Mark Peters cars!
Pike Racing
An extensive clearing in the trees of a Sussex forest is the home to the Pike Superstox racing team.
Happy with his Lot!
Midget racer Alan Buckland has settled into the groove – “I really enjoyed the European at Northampton – funny old European, there was no-one from the continent, but at least we had a South African!
Mallory Mile
The annual British Long Track Championships took place on May 16 with the Oval Invasion of the Mallory Mile. Yes it was a while ago, but too good to miss out….